The Department of Neurosurgery stands as a pinnacle within the hospital, offering unparalleled expertise and cutting-edge care for patients afflicted...
The Department of Neurology is dedicated to assessing and treating patients with brain, spine, and peripheral nerve disorders. It oversees the medical...
Neuropsychiatry is a specialized branch of medicine that intersects neurology and psychiatry, focusing on the complex relationship between the brain a...
The Critical Care Department at Thalamus Institute of Medical Sciences is dedicated to providing intensive and comprehensive care for patients with se...
Urology at Thalamus Institute of Medical Sciences specializes in diagnosing and treating a wide range of urinary and male reproductive system disorder...
Nephrology is the medical specialty focusing on the study, diagnosis, and treatment of kidney diseases. It delves into understanding the intricacies o...
At Thalamus Institute of Medical Sciences, Internal Medicine is a core medical specialty focused on preventing, diagnosing, and treating a wide range...
Interventional cardiology at Thalamus Institute of Medical Sciences employs cutting-edge techniques to diagnose and treat cardiovascular disease...